WOWing » Experiential Marketing Agency for inspiring Events


The agency for experiential marketing

Let us inspire your audience

WOWing – the art of inspiring – is what we're good at. We translate your brand and product messages into emotional experiences.

Events bring people, brands and products together, enabling them to interact in a particular way. Events are omnipresent, are continuously being refined and are now part and parcel of our society. They occur in an incredibly wide range of forms and pursue a variety of goals. Whether LIVE, DIGITAL or HYBRID.

WOWing attaches particular value to consistently sophisticated event concepts. All the individual touchpoints of the guest at an event experience are defined, analysed and conceived separately. This is the only way to arrive at a compelling event that will linger long in the memory of the guest.

We will support your guest from the beginning to the end of their individual customer journey, taking all their relevant needs and requirements into consideration. That will turn your event into an emotional highlight. In doing so we always keep our eye on the developments and opportunities of the events sector and our finger on the pulse of the times.

Whether regionally, nationally or internationally. Why think small, when the possibilities are endless?


Event Formats with WOW Effect


1. Corporate Event
Employee and company events are our speciality. Want your event to motivate or inform? Whether events to kick off the year, special company anniversaries, conferences or conventions, our events team will help you hold any form of event with innovative orchestration.

2. Consumer Event
We know how to do consumer events – from the creative event concept through efficient event planning to smooth realisation and transparent measurement of success. Your objective determines our direction of travel: excite and retain customers, activate and inspire them? We look forward to your briefing.

3. Roadshow
Want to position yourself right where your target group is and save money and time? Our roadshow & mobile fair professionals will develop appropriate ideas that enable you to "roll out" your product or message in the best possible way, whether in Germany or abroad. One thing is for sure, though: it will be right where your target group is.

4. Product Presentation
First impressions count. With WOWing, the key USPs of your products are presented and brought to life. WOWing will make your product launch something unique!

5. Incentive
Want to put the focus on your employees or customers and impart appeal, motivation and appreciation? Then incentives are the answer! They are shared experiences that create a sense of identification, encourage communication and boost motivation. Whatever the goal you are pursuing with your planned incentive, we'll deliver the right concept, the appropriate programme and the perfect organisation.


6. Hybrid & Digital Events
Digital & hybrid event formats follow their own rules, which have to be considered in the planning stage. The crucial difference is in the connection with the guests, which is exclusively digital.

The programme is broadcast from a central location, although the content can vary and be communicated by a variety of methods.

A hybrid event combines the best of both worlds. Essentially, a large, central event is decentralised. The participants are divided into subgroups (e.g. by place of residence), each of which takes part simultaneously in their own smaller event. Cutting-edge technology allows the isolated groups to get in touch with each other.

The success of the engagement is critically dependent on the selection and use of the correct methods. Not only must the content appeal to the guests, so too must the instruments used. Ideally, they will enable the guests to attend the event right to the end.

A mix of live content, preproduced content and looser entertainment elements & opportunities for interaction will get viewers actively involved. WOWing gives great thought to the role and position of the viewer: more than ever, they must be put firmly front and centre, becoming an active participant & player who gets the feeling that their opinion counts.



"Whether trade fairs, press events, conferences, exclusive incentives or a large gala event, we design, plan and realise events and shows of a range of sizes and deliver the appropriate WOW experience for your guests."

Nicole Florschütz, Event Expert at WOWing


Our Event Services


What you can rely on with WOWing:

Customised concepts, innovative ideas and fierce commitment.

We put ourselves into your thought processes and the emotions of your target group. This results in unique event formats and highly experiential event concepts that endure.  



Our team has the technical expertise and years of experience to make certain that your event is planned professionally and run smoothly.

We will advise you and take all relevant factors into consideration throughout the organisation of the event.

Reliable timings, precise scheduling and detailed briefings will ensure that your event is a success.




It goes without saying that event technology plays a major role in any kind of event. Even in the concept stage our events team will consider the technical options and include the event technology in their plans both financially and organisationally.

Our network of experienced events specialists consists of experts from a wide range of events technology (lighting, sound, video, special effects, etc.).



From conception to production, we get together with our expert network to design and produce customised content that is both relevant and entertaining for your guests.


Other Services from our Portfolio:

Participant Management

Travel, Hotel and Transfer Logistics



Scripts, Ghostwriting, Artwork, Film

Production/Choreography, Entertainment, Show and Artists

Media Conception and Production
(graphics, charts and video feeds)

Trade Fair Construction




Be inspired by our success stories.

Are you craving a WOW? Give us a call!


Contact The Agency

Always happy to hear from you.

WOWing Experience GmbH

Im Atzelnest 5

61352 Bad Homburg

T: +49 6172 805-0
